Welcome to Oil Lamp Ministries
Welcome to Oil Lamp Ministries
Oil Lamp Ministries was founded in 2017 the vision of Douglas and Jana Leigh Sheaffer. Oil Lamp Ministries is taken from the scriptures found in the 25th chapter of Matthew where Jesus speaks of the parable of the ten virgins. Jesus, our bridegroom, is returning for his bride, the church. A bride without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Ephesian
Oil Lamp Ministries was founded in 2017 the vision of Douglas and Jana Leigh Sheaffer. Oil Lamp Ministries is taken from the scriptures found in the 25th chapter of Matthew where Jesus speaks of the parable of the ten virgins. Jesus, our bridegroom, is returning for his bride, the church. A bride without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Ephesians 5.
Our vision is to equip the body of Christ through bible study, speakers and special events to be ready for what we believe is the end time revival.
Our beautiful home (pictured above) is also the location of Oil Lamp Ministries; where we host monthly meetings led by ministry students and graduates of Global Awakening's School of the Supernatural.
* Oil Lamp Ministries is under the covering of A.N.G.A which is
The Apostolic Network of Global Awakening . Dr. Randy Clark , Mechanicsburg Pa.
Valora Bock
Friday April 25th at 7pm.
Valora Bock was powerfully healed from a severe automobile accident in 2001. Her healing took place at her local church when Dr. Randy Clark had a Word of Knowledge concerning her physical condition.
This experience of being powerfully touched and healed by God, was t
Valora Bock
Friday April 25th at 7pm.
Valora Bock was powerfully healed from a severe automobile accident in 2001. Her healing took place at her local church when Dr. Randy Clark had a Word of Knowledge concerning her physical condition.
This experience of being powerfully touched and healed by God, was the catalyst in her into attending Global Awakening School of Supernatural Ministry.
**A free will offering will be taken
It was through attending GSSM, that Valora discovered her powerful gift of communicating as she began preaching and teaching the word of God. She now teaches both locally and internationally.
Valora is passionate about sharing God's heart for His people through healing and prophetic ministry.
Valora and her husband, Pat of 33 years, reside in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania and have two adult children.
**A free will offering will be taken
*** Sunday April 13th Dennis Reanier of Revival Cry Ministries
*** Saturday November 25th Charity Cook - Global Awakening
Oil Lamp Ministries is located at the home of the Sheaffers. 2085 Main Street, Narvon, Pa. 17555